Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor, Department of Energy Economics and Management, Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran Faculty of Petroleum, Tehran, Iran,

2 Assistant professor, Department of Accounting, Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran Faculty of Petroleum, Tehran, Iran,


Investment funds are one of the suitable tools for investing in the capital market, which manage risk by diversifying the composition of assets. The first refining fund was launched by the government in 2019. Based on economic theories, it was expected that the price of the investment units of this fund would be higher than the value of the assets in that fund, but for various reasons, this did not happen and the price of the shares of this fund has always been sold below the nominal value. The purpose of this research is to identify the influencing factors on the activities and evaluate the performance of this fund. This research is of the type of library studies, through interviews with experts, 16 important factors affecting the performance of the 1st Refinery Fund were identified. Finally, the information was collected from the questionnaire using a five-point Likert scale to answer the questions of the questionnaire. In this regard, the required quantitative information was collected through the design and distribution of a questionnaire among 35 experts and analyzed using the statistical method of analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the research show that the identified factors have affected the performance of the 1st Refinery Fund in different ways.


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