Document Type : پژوهشی



An efficient national innovation system is of the most important factors of development and economic growth in developed countries in which to achieve by developing countries, there are ample opportunity and capabilities, despite many weaknesses and threats.
The purpose of this research is to formulate and prioritize strategies to improve the national innovation system of Iran by using comprehensive framework for strategy formulation. Thus the study is applied and survey research in terms of purpose and methodology. The statistical population includes enforcement policy and legislative institutions such as parliament, experts of government agencies in Ministries of Science, Research and Technology and Industry, Mine and Trade, R&D centers and innovation users in industrial sectors of Khorasan Razavi. Accordingly by using one hundred interviews from questionnaire designed, strengths and weaknesses and the threats and opportunities associated with innovation system of Iran have been identified. In the next step, internal factors evaluation (IFE) and external factors evaluation (EFE) matrixes were obtained and based on effectiveness factors, internal-external matrix (IE) were plotted in order to identify strategic location. Finally, optimal strategies formulated by using SWOT matrix and then Prioritize by quantity strategic planning matrix (QSPM).
The results can be used in both practical and theoretical level. In the theoretical level, it helps to collect empirical evidence for the conceptualization and development of knowledge in the field of NIS of Iran. In Application and managerial level, this study highlights the factors and strategies for government institutions to improve the national innovation system of the country.


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