Document Type : پژوهشی
Increasing needsofenergy, is one of thefundamentalissuesinhumanlifeand governments areplanningto preparation these needsthroughvarious sourcesof energy. Despitetheimportance offossilsourcesofenergysupplyfor different uses, different factors such as negative environmental consequences resulting from use of fossil resources, the resource constraints, a possible increase in prices and other reasons, attention to other energies is necessary. Wind energy is one of the main types of renewable energies that human has always been considered.
In this paper, by using COMFAR cost -benefit wind plant with a capacity of megawatts consists of units of wind turbines analyzed is then the incentives to produce and invest in buildingsuch aplanthas been examined.
The results show that the guaranteed prices of electricity, changes in exchange rate and certificationsrate in the quota system have the impact on the net internal rate of return(IRR) and netpresent value(NPV).
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