Document Type : پژوهشی


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 ferdowsi university


Extended Abstract
As one of the most important and basic economic development tools, the targeted subsidies plan (reforming relative prices system of subsidized revenue) can play a major role in clarifying and making competitive the business environment, increasing the efficiency of government programs and policies, modifying consumption patterns, efficient allocation of resources and facilities and production factors, establishing the justice in the distribution of government support, etc. Thus, selection and determination of qualified individuals and target groups is a necessary condition for target attainment.

For the purpose of the study, the following question was posed:
Whether the targeted subsidies plan could affect the combination of tax?
The statistical population included aware and clear sighted people about factors affecting tax income including experts of the tax organization. The statistical sample consisted of 35 persons and the method of sample selection was random sampling. After collecting questionnaires, data analysis was performed using SPSS software package. Given that the studied variable in this research is measured based on an interval scale, the following relations may be used to determine the sample size:

Where, r is the upper bound of the relative error determined previously, N is the size of population, S and are population’s parameters (error coefficient is and confidence coefficient in level of 99% is equal to ). The required sample size for each group of statistical population was obtained as the table below.

Table1: population and sample sizes
Group Population size Parameter estimation from initial sample Final sample size
mean Standard deviation
Taxes on revenues 35 3.14 0.92 28

The questionnaire queried the effectiveness of various factors on the amount of tax on revenue.
Validity of the Questionnaire
Validity means that the provided tool to what extent measure the considered specific concept (Secaran, 2001). The questionnaire used in this research has been validated according to theoretical foundations and the opinion of experts, intendants and advisers.
Reliabilityof the QuestionnaireIn order to calculate Cronbach alpha, it is firstly required that the variance of scores of each subset of questions be calculated and then the total variance be determined. Then by replacing them into the following formula the value of the Cronbach alpha will be obtained:

Where, k is the number of subsets of questionnaire or questions of questionnaire; is the variance of kth question and is the total variance.
Thus, Cronbach alpha reflected the amount of positive correlation of the members of a set with eachother

Table2: Cronbach alpha coefficient
Row Questionnaire Cronbach alpha coefficient

1 Taxes on revenues 0.818

Results and discussion
In order to get familiar with the manner of answers provided to the questionnaire and the significance level of each test, we firstly, using frequency tables, checked the answers and then, using t-student significance test, checked the mean of answers so that a clear result was obtained about the view of respondents on each question.
Table3. reports the results of evaluating frequency percentage of provided answers to independent variable questions (Taxes on revenue)
row Factor Increase so much increase Do not change decrease Decrease so much
1 Decreased export 3.6 7.1 35.7 53.6 0
2 Increased import 7.4 40.7 18.5 29.6 3.7
3 Decreased production 0 7.4 3.7 63 25.9
4 Increased prices general level 7.7 38.5 19.2 26.9 7.7
5 budget deficit 17.9 28.6 17.9 28.9 7.1
6 Income redistribution 7.7 57.7 19.2 11.5 3.8
7 Economic non-stability 10.7 14.3 10.7 46.4 17.9
8 Increased interest rate 11.5 15.4 15.4 42.3 15.4
9 International sanctions 10.7 14.3 10.7 39.3 25
10 Decreased sale revenues 10.7 3.6 7.1 57.1 21.4
11 Increased costs (the cost of production inputs and distribution costs) 7.1 10.7 10.7 53.6 17.9
12 Tendency to non-productive and non-standard jobs and activities (the growth of non-formal economy) 3.6 21.4 17.9 42.9 14.3
13 The existence of bargaining opportunity for unions 3.6 32.1 17.9 46.4 0
14 The lack of trust on government and public sector and organization’s performance 0 11.1 11.1 59.3 18.5
15 The false culture of tax evasion 0 11.1 11.1 55.6 22.2
16 Lack of declaring real incomes by the taxpayer at the time of diagnosis 0 0 7.7 61.5 30.8
17 Simplification of the financial system (with emphasis on reducing compliance costs and encouraging self-declaration) 21.4 50 17.9 10.7 0
18 shortage of skilled labor 0 0 14.3 60.7 25
19 Lack of transparency and aggregating the information of the taxpayer 0 3.6 10.7 71.4 14.3
20 Mechanization of declaration, detection and collection 17.9 71.4 .3.6 7.1 0
21 Lack of information flow from the tax organization to taxpayers 0 11.1 29.6 59.3 0
22 Lack of financial and judicial support for organization’s personnel 0 3.7 3.1 70.4 25.9
23 Organizational features 0 11.1 6.3 74.1 14.8.
24 Unsuitable performance of tax auditors 0 3.8 11.5 69.2 15.4
25 Weakness of regulations, circulars and instructions 0 3.8 7.7 57.7 30.8
26 The existence of broad legal exemptions 0 3.6 7.1 53.6 35.7
27 Failure to extend the value added tax system 5.7 0 8.6 18.6 17.1
28 On the head detection method 8.6 34.3 25.7 28.6 2.9
29 Introducing a new tax base (such as value added, total income, so on) 17.1 51.4 25.7 5.7 0

Now, after t-student test and understanding the relationship between research variables, we draw path analysis diagrams to understand the direct and indirect effects of dependent and independent variables. Path analysis of variables studied in this research question can be seen in Graph 1 below.

Graph 1: Path analysis of research variables (Taxes on revenue)


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