Document Type : پژوهشی



Governmental contracts have an important place in the financial and economic
system.Because the transfer of funds generally is done by contracts.
In other hand because of governmental economic system in our country and
concentration of capital in this section, the governmental contracts has greater
importance.Therefore the special monitoring on various stages of contract from
foundation to implement is necessary. Otherwise the negative consequences will
follow that the corruption is the most important of those consequences.
The studies shows that country's legal system has foresighted a monitoring system to
assure healthy and sound implantation of projects, However, need for a
comprehensive and effective surveillance system to incorporate various aspects of
political and administrative issues is still evident, This is mainly because proper
functioning of regulatory bodies has always been a challenge for legislators,
executives, as well as judicial system.
This article seeks to identify involved bodies, explore challenges and propose
solutions, towards a more effective system of monitoring.
